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March 2007

Monthly Archive

The price of fame

Posted by Office-Bob on 16 Mar 2007 | Tagged as: General Craziness

Part of my recent trip to Western Winter Blast involved spending a couple of days in Las Vegas at the end of my trip - considering that my flight was from Vancouver to Vegas and back, there was no reason not to stay an extra while to enjoy the sights and take in a show…by the way, I can definitely recommend Cirque Du Soleil’s Kà as worth seeing if you get the chance.

Since I was “on the town,” as it were, I decided to throw caution to the winds and wear my kilt when I went out that evening. While I admit that I looked rather dashing, I have to say that I wasn’t expecting the reactions I received; I guess kilts in Vegas just aren’t that common.

First, a complete stranger came up to me and told me that she thought I looked very sexy.

Next, one of the Cirque staff doing front of House praised my fashion style…considering the fantastic costumes they wear, this was heady praise indeed!

After the show I went to the Bellagio to check out their music fountain, and a young European couple (I’m not familiar enough with accents to tell where they were from) asked if they could take my picture (sure, why not) and then the man asked if I would be willing to pose with his SO for another picture (sure, why not?).

Who knows - perhaps someday soon you’ll be able to Google “kilt Las Vegas” or “kilt Bellagio” and see me standing there in all my regimental* glory, either alone or with my arm around the shoulders of a complete stranger.

* Yes, I mean that in the kilt-wearing sense.

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